Reading for a dear friend (FiveArts);topicseen#new

So true! A so-called friend of his ran off with a lot of money after a joint venture last year. He’s been suffering losses for about half his life up till now even. And yes, he continues to make the same mistakes over and over even after being advised time and time again. He’s a good man which is why I’d like to help him out if it’s possible.

Bazi Reading (FiveArts)

first, his chart is not strong. and flag with 2 wealth star. typically, this type of chart my first advise would be the person need to sit down are really go thru what he wants to achieve in his career or life directions. Cannot go around chasing dreams or his dreams will remain in dream.

2nd, the fire and water clash relates to heart, blood, rest and mental issues. water is his wealth and fire is his resource. both are needed and essential to him. The remedy is to make use of wood. Green, East, North East, Accountancy, educational, medical services, publication industry or even biotechnology / horticulture research.

3rd, caffeine and alcohol must be avoided. Fire already not good. Likelihood of high blood and cholesterol, as well as headache. If go for morning exercises, go between 5 to 7. Slow down and pick up meditate or if have religion, to spend time in it.

Useful God, 丙丁寅卯。moving forward generally feel is  40 to 59, 丙丁 to help. But 寅卯 is absence. That where you need to manually supplement wood element into his life. And prevent a water fire clash. In 60 onwards is 比劫 luck. Avoid joint venture.

To be honest and manage perceptions, 丙申 2016,丁亥 2017,己亥 2019,庚子 2020。all this increase water element in his chart, you need to pay attention to his health, rest and avoid risk. For children and offspring, I like to say better let nature takes it course, as it depends on affinity between the 2 of you and the child.

Ren Daymaster here would like a reading (FiveArts)

A very brilliant reading you have done for me. You are right, a big part of my internals struggles can be attributed to my parents. They are actually very loving parents but I guess a bad business decision my dad made years ago lead to where I am now. Not that I want to blame him, but I guess I feel like I have to do more for this family to help out. I also hold a small grudge against a sibling of mine who I may at times feel is sabotaging my progress in life.. or at least how I may of planned it.

I’m not exactly struggling with moving to another country, its not something that is planned out yet just random thoughts at times of wanting to move. Lets just say I was born in HK, grew up overseas and few years back, while my life was in real turmoil, I decided to move to HK after graduation to look for a career. But now I do have thoughts of wanting to go back to Canada, and I sort of feel that is the case because of wanting to escape a huge burden.

I will take your advice on the metal thing, maybe it is time for me to get a watch. Although I always told myself that the only way I’ll wear a watch is when one day I become successful and afford something high end.

Bazi has gotten me fascinated, does wu fire under my DM and xin metal beside it represent anything tangible that is part of my life (parents? wife? sibling?). Also it seems earth weakens water (my day master), am I correct? What impact do they have on me? Are they superiors (boss, senior colleagues) in my life ?