The Heart Sutra (Translation)

The Bodhisattva of Compassion,When he meditated deeply,Saw the emptiness of all five skandhas. And sundered the bonds that caused him suffering.

Here then, Form is no other than emptiness, Emptiness no other than form. Form is only emptiness, Emptiness is the only form.

Feeling, thought, and choice, Consciousness itself, Are the same as this.

All things are by nature void, They are not born or destroyed, Nor are they stained or pure, Nor do they wax or wane

So, in emptiness, no form,No feeling, thought, or choice,Nor is there consciousness.No eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind; No colour, sound, smell, taste, touch, or what the mind takes hold of, or even act of sensing.

No ignorance or end of it, or all that comes of ignorance; No withering, no death,No end of them.

Nor is there pain, or cause of pain, Or cease in pain, or noble path. To lead from pain; Not even wisdom to attain. Attainment too is emptiness.

So know that the Bodhisattva Holding to nothing whatever, But dwelling in Prajna wisdom, Is freed of delusive hindrance, Rid of the fear bred by it,And reaches the clearest Nirvana.

All Buddhas of past and present, Buddhas of future time,Using this Prajna wisdom,Come to full and perfect vision.

Hear then the great dharani,The radiant peerless mantra, The PrajnaparamitaWhose words allay all pain; Hear and believe its truth!

Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate
Bodhi Svaha


舍利子, 色不异空, 空不异色, 色即是空, 空即是色,

受想行识, 亦复如是, 舍利子, 是诸法空相, 不生不灭, 不垢不净, 不增不减,

是故空中无色, 无受想行识, 无眼耳鼻舌身意, 无色声香味触法,

无眼界, 乃至无意识界, 无无明, 亦无无明尽, 乃至无老死, 亦无老死尽,

无苦集灭道, 无智亦无得, 以无所得故, 菩提萨埵, 依般若波罗蜜多故,

心无罣碍,无罣碍, 故无有恐怖, 远离颠倒梦想, 究竟涅盘,

三世诸佛, 依般若波罗蜜多故, 得阿耨多罗三藐三菩提,

故知般若波罗蜜多,是大神咒, 是大明咒, 是无上咒, 是无等等咒, 能除一切

苦, 真实不虚, 故说般若波罗蜜多咒,

即说咒曰, 揭谛揭谛 波罗揭谛 波罗僧揭谛 菩提萨婆诃。

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