Date Breakers

Energies vibrate at different frequencies, not only does a day contain its own energy signature, months and years have their unique vibrations. When these energies are opposing each another, there is stress and tension. Everyone would feel uneasy and deep down we felt that something is wrong. We call these days as “Breakers”.

Depending on the magnitude and duration of the vibration, the impact of the Breaker would differs. There’s the Year Breaker, Month Breaker, Day Breaker and Hour Breaker. Year Breaker (岁破) being the most impactful while hour (时克) is the least. The idea is to avoid breakers in Date Selection.

We need to be mindful in Date Selection is that the energy affecting the activity lasts for its duration. That means for short-term events such as a one-day renovation would only last for one day and would (likely be shorten) as the effects end the moment the event finishes.

Hence, it is not advisable to commence long-term activities such as getting married or starting a new job on Breaker days. And remember that ONLY the date we commence the activity matters, there might be negative 12 officers days or “Breakers” in between ~ those doesn’t count.

Brief points on Date Selection

In Gregorian Calendar, a day could be a Monday, Thursday, Saturday … In the Chinese Calendar perspective, each day could be one of the 12 Day Officers: Establish, Remove, Full, Balance, Stable, Initiate, Destruction, Danger, Success, Receive, Open and Close days.

Suitable activities would relate to what each day is named after. For example, Establish and Initiate Days are great for beginnings and starting something new. While, Remove days are good to remove negativity out of our life.

At times, Receive Days are ideal for activities that involves asking for something (such as a promotion or a pay raise).

Danger days are not at all dangerous. It about turning situation into opportunity. This is one of the better days thanks to its effect.

Likewise, Balance Day is when we can get bridge the gap and achieve a equal footing when we are in a disadvantageous position.

Success Days has a multiplier effect and are the most auspicious and favourable day of them all. The energy present during these days are suitable for most activities that require a positive start and a positive end.